Monday, November 21, 2011

Babies: The Up and Coming Target Market

The Vinci Tablet
At first glance, this product looks like an oversized iPhone with a protective barrier, right? This tablet is actually pretty close to an iPhone... but is marketed to an entirely different segment... children 0-4 years old. The red ring surrounding the tablet is a drool-proof bumper. Yes, drool-proof. When a product needs to be drool-proof, it's probably a sign that the electronic should not be targeted at drooling children in the first place... common sense, right? But manufacturers and marketers can no longer afford to ignore this youthful, drooling segment. The Vinci, which 2 year olds probably cannot even pronounce, is allegedly the first-ever educational handheld device for kids. It sells for $389 to $479... WOW. I personally can't bring myself to buy an iPhone or iPad, but a 6 month old owns a $300-$500 Vinci? Lucky kid. This new product is innovative and definitely fills the market opportunity of electronics for infants... whether or not there is actual demand is an entirely different story. This product, and various digital marketing tactics aimed at society's youth, is raising many questions concerning the impact on childhood development and ethical boundaries. The issue (and this topic in general) is described in depth in this AdWeek article

The trend of marketing to infants is not necessarily new, but is getting increasingly aggressive and competitive. Brands like Disney have been doing this for years! Marketing was once limited to logo/mascot-printed clothing, packaged goods, or toys, but is now expanding into the digital and interactive world. There is now a TV "network" for infants online, called, which has subscription-based videos, games, educational activities, and music. Luxury clothing designers (ie. Versace and Marc Jacobs) are beginning to gain loyal infant consumers with trendy lines for the infant fashionista. Cynthia Rowley has designed diapers for Pampers. They run for about $15 (a bit pricey for disposable toilets)... but I do have to say, they're adorable. 

This market is becoming increasingly popular, meaning competition for infants' brand loyalty is becoming more and more important to companies and marketers. They're competing to become the first brand to establish a relationship with the child and hope to maintain this relationship as the child grows. You may be thinking that these efforts will go unnoticed and aren't worth the time, money or effort, but the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood reports otherwise. They found that by 6 months, babies can form mental images of corporate logos and mascots. Additionally, as soon as infants can speak they can (and will) request brands. Other reports have found that by the age of 3, kids can recognize an average of 100 brand logos. 
How many of these can you link with a brand? An easier question may be: how many can't you link with a brand?
I absolutely love this brand alphabet. It was introduced to me in a class a few years ago, and it really holds true to the belief that brand logos are completely imprinted in our brains. You see the "P" and automatically think Pez Candy or the "C" and know it's from Campbells Soup. Kudos to these companies, their marketing teams of the past have really done an incredible job developing consumer recognition with their brands. It's amazing, but it's life. We can't help but associate colors, mascots, fonts, etc. with brands and companies. It starts at a young age, and stays with us forever. 

That is what this new marketing trend is trying to establish and maintain. It will no longer be just Disney Princesses on onsies or Tony the Tiger on cereal boxes... The Vinci, Apple, Fendi, and other luxury brands are entering the competitive market. These brands, as well as more traditional infant-targeting companies, are beginning to establish themselves through innovative digital tactics and aggressive efforts to reach this baby market through all possible touch points.

It's a new world out there... no boundaries.

AKtually Ashley

1 comment:

  1. And the results for the logo alphabet...

    a= All laundry soap
    b= Bubbliciouss bubble gum
    c= Campbells Soup
    d= Dawn soap
    e= Ego Waffles
    f= Frito chips
    g= Gatorade drinks
    h= Hebrew National
    i= Icy slushy drinks
    j= Jello
    k= Kool-Aid
    l= Lisole cleaners
    m= M&M's
    n= Nabisco
    o= Orea
    p= Pezz candy
    q= Quaker Oats
    r= Reese Peanut Butter Cups
    s= Starbursts
    t= Tide laundry soap
    u= Uncle Ben's
    v= V8 drinks
    w= Wisk
    x= Xtra soap
    y= York peppermints
    z= Zest soap

    Many have changed, but their general premise has stayed the same. Fun!
