Thursday, January 24, 2013

Whelmed. Not over... but almost under.

Though my mom keeps sending me commercials, articles, clips, and many stream-of-conscious e-mails, I have continuously set them to the side until I have "time" to sift through them. BUT when she sent along this article from Huffington Post about the new Coca-Cola Super Bowl commercial, I felt the need to open it... and now I'm sharing it! People often say they are overwhelmed, or that something was underwhelming, but neither can apply to
this new commercial. I was definitely not overwhelmed... and I guess I can say I am slightly underwhelmed, but I'd rather settle on "whelmed".

The commercial is interactive and its ending will be decided by viewers, which in itself is a good idea (not original, but good). The company’s Super Bowl campaign features three teams that are competing to be the first to get to a Coke bottle mirage. Viewers can vote online at for either the Cowboys, the Bandlanders or the Showgirls to reach the bottle first. The final results will be aired during the Super Bowl. Personally, I don't resonate with any of the three, so I'm not particularly invested in voting for any of them. Who would you vote for?

So... now that I've shared a not-so-exciting commercial, I'll round it out and share and ask you to PLEASE read the post below for an ad that I absolutely LOVE. Yes, it involves laughing babies... and kids... and adults... and seniors. I always love commercials from this company (guess who!)... especially when their advertising company decides to put the product aside, and connect with viewers on an emotional level. This 30 second spot is appropriately titled "Smiles". I hope it makes up for Coke's boring ad above.


AKtually Ashley