Friday, January 13, 2012

Maybe She's Born With It... Nah!

Many are guilty of a little photo editing to make themselves the picture look better--especially before uploading it to Facebook! Enhancing the picture, adjusting the hue, changing from color to black and white, or losing 10 pounds... WAIT WHAT?! Come on, this is nothing new! Advertisement photographers and creatives have been altering, adjusting, and "fixing" pictures since programs like Adobe's Photoshop were developed. We'd be silly to believe that models are all perfectly slim, smooth, and bronzed--but it doesn't stop men and women from idolizing and striving for these (usually) unatainable bodies.

I recently came across this article in Adweek's AdFreak about a similar topic. It features a satiracle infommercial promoting a new beauty product, Fotoshop by AdobĂ©. Ha... get it? The video was produced by Cali filmmaker Jesse Rosten. While Adobe is not particularly thrilled, to say the least, Rosten skillfully unveils an all-too-true (and humorous) quality of beauty and fashion commercials and magazine spreads. His witty video reveals how far the industry has gone to achieve "beauty". 

Funny, right?

I'm assuming that the majority of us have accepted that many published photographs are "fixed" in one way or another. I'll also make the assumption that we all still believe these models are real even if their bodies are tweaked here and there. After reading this article, however, we all may have to reassess that belief. 

I know, I know--you can't always believe everything you read... BUT apparently, the fashion chain H&M was caught using fake swimsuit models in its recent online catalogue. When I say fake, I don't mean digitally altered... I mean completely digitally created... from scratch. 

Look closely. I would have never noticed, mainly because if I'm shopping for swimwear, I'm looking at the bikinis. Each model has the same body stance... OK, that could be a coincidence or part of the company's "look". What gives these "models" away, though, are their fingers. That's what jumped out at me first. If you take a closer look, you can see that the contour of their stomachs are all EXACTLY the same. Creepy. You just can't trust anyone these days...

The Real AKtually Ashley

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