Friday, December 23, 2011

Why We Leak Money During The Holidays

The mystery has been solved! I always wondered why my pockets always seem to have holes during the holiday season. I "lose" money like it's my job! Thanks to this article, I found out why! Stores manipulate us, and these 5 tools reveal how they trick us into buying that sweater we never needed... and that ornament... and candy... and those slippers.

Retailers play on consumers' senses to encourage them to buy more, which ultimately helps boost sales. It's a competitive world out there... so I guess I understand why they need to play with our minds to steal our money get our business.

1. The smell of a store can really influence positive consumer perceptions, increase the time spent perusing the merchandise, or make consumers hungry (particularly helpful for stores selling food items).

2. Playing music (mixing holiday jingles into the regular store playlist) may lighten moods, keep consumers in the store longer, and influence purchasing decisions.

3. Free food samples. Obvious and extremely effective. No one turns down food samples! If the product is good, there's a good chance a purchase will follow (even if it originally wasn't on the "to do" list). 

4. A spacious store layout ensures consumers don't get annoyed with the hustle and bustle of crazy holiday shoppers. No one likes to feel claustrophobic while shopping... or get butt-bumped... or have to move every 5 seconds for other shoppers passing through. Similarly, allowing customers to interact with products may help influence purchasing decisions. Free trials, without the inconvenience of some sort of contract, allows consumers to connect with products on a closer level in the store. 

5. Color makes all the difference! I'm not only referring to a red scarf vs. a green one, but also the store's color scheme. Most agree that oranges and reds make customers feel excited, while greens and light blues have calming affects.

SO -- there's 1 more day to Christmas shop (for all you procrastinators), so keep these little tricks in mind in order to manage whatever money you have left! Good luck!

AKtually Ashley

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